
Posts Tagged ‘Camels’

In our office cluster, we send out articles of the day. I’ve decided to do a weekly post with the best articles of the week each Friday to share these story gems with you. Thank you Sydney for pioneering this practice each morning.

Friday: A British man has outdone himself in a display of masculinity. If it was Pierce Brosnan, I would be the first in line. The gentleman auctioned off the opportunity for intimate waxing to raise money for charity, nearly rendering himself unable to produce offspring. Might not be such a bad thing. Also, Southwest Airlines had some loose baggage on a recent flight in the form of human heads. Photo Source.

Monday: Video day from Sydney. The first video poses the question of what has humanity come to? The second two depict what a  true American looks like and reminds me of the MUFON article that Kara and Sydney uncovered a few weeks ago.  Video 1. Video 2. Video 3.

Tuesday: The German soccer team currently in South Africa for the 2010 FIFA World Cup has admitted to being bored in their time off, but not so much that they will play with the native giant iguanas. We also became immediately distressed by the accidental kidnapping of Todd, Sean and Jonas. And then we were glad that we don’t in fact eat unicorn meat.

Photo Source.

Wednesday: World Cup fever has taken over the office. Drew has expressed that this would be his reaction if “office decorum allowed it.” We were also relieved to learn that Jonas, Todd and Sean were found and returned to camel kiss their owners. Photo Source.

Thursday: I have had discussions about proper ways to make macaroni and cheese, but luckily none have them have involved 4th degree assault from one of my family members.

Today: In case of emergency Friday, please follow this Florida woman’s example. And get excited for the Bionic Kitty.

Well there’s our newscap for the week. We had some drama, excitement, danger and suspense. But most importantly plain moronic behavior that entertains us in the office. Until next Friday.  


This photo is for Kara in honor of her undecorated cubicle. Now you have something to look at. Photo Source.

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